Gigamoth 5's Kaiju gallery
Gigamoth 5's Homepage

About Gigamoth5 Page

Kaiju Photo Page

What's New Page

Favorite Links

Photo2 Page

Dorats gallery

Photo4 Page

Photo5 Page

Sprite Comic Gallery

Welcome To gigamoth 5's HomePage
Hello, my Name is Jeremy Sand. But you can call me Gigamoth 5 if you want. Just who is Gigamoth5?

Well, Gigamoth was originally going to be a Kaiju that would Star in a film with Mothra and Godzilla, and would be Mothra's dark twin, warped by radioactive waste polluting thier Island home.

Eventually the idea was scrapped in Favor of Godzilla and Mothra: A Battle for Earth, with Gigamoth becoming Battra. Why the 5? I really don't know.

Well, that's it for now, my site is kind of new. Come and look around my Photo gallery to browes arround, and check out my sprite comic and Dorat gallery.

Godzilla's Site Updates*


Opened up Gigamoth 5's Home Page for the first time, and worked on Links and pictures too.

I'll be updating more soon hopefully. don't expect this site to be to big.


added more pictures today, Hopefully, you'll like them.


Please forgive my untideness and my unedited photo gallerys, I'll be working on them soon.

Added my first Dorat gallery. In a mounth, they'll be full grown.


Oiy, LONG time no update. Added a Sprite comic today. Expect some more updates in the immediate future as well, but don't hold your breath.

Welcome To Gigamoth 5's Home Page
So Far, this site is real Small. I hope you enjoy my small collection of pictures, my Dorat Gallery and my Sprite Comics.

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Godzilla Poster*
this is a US Movie poster for Godzilla on Monster Island AKA. Godzilla vs. Gigan
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